Second Home

When my mother died 11 months ago, I made a pact with myself. I will forever hold her loving presence, nurturing patience, and fierce reliability in my heart. And I will let go of her inability to be wrong. I will be wrong every day if that’s what it takes. Even...

The Release Date is at the End

This piece was originally sent as my monthly newsletter for August 2023. Hello friends, I hope this summer has blessed you with Palisade peaches (IYKYK), long walks in the woods or by the sea, and nights spent dreaming under the stars. After a hectic June (and May and...

Mercy, Freedom and the Flow

For the first time in my life, it feels like words are not enough. During seasons of change, heartache, loneliness, and even joy, I have found solace in language. In the stringing together of ideas. Words have enabled me to know my own mind and be comfortable with...

Leaving & Returning

Leaving – May 4, 2023 Today, I woke up in my first apartment for the last time. It’s a gray day in western Pennsylvania. The Amish are driving past in their buggies, and I can hear the clop-clop-clopping of hooves on the pavement. My nose is stuffy from the...

Going Home

It feels like this post has been a long time coming. I attempted to write it last month, but the words weren’t ready, and where, a year ago, I would have forced them out, I decided to wait. To listen. To jot down a few notes and just allow. Last week, I deleted...

Dear Kindred Spirit

Monthly book recommendations, author updates, short stories, sneak peeks, and more. Plus, download the prologue of my book!

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