This Year in Content: 2019 Edition

Hello, you. You, right here. You have an unlimited capacity to love and be loved as no one else can. Isn’t that beautiful? It’s one of the most simplistic and life-altering things I’ve learned this year. I got it from a book, one that I’ll be...

The Best Gifts for Readers in 2019

They’ve read everything. Or seemingly everything. They preorder books a year in advance or some such nonsense! So how on Earth are you supposed to buy gifts for readers?! Friends, I am so excited about this post. I’ve wanted to write it for years, ever...

Forced Rest and Other Stuff We Hate to Love

I’ve been meaning to write this for days, which is exactly the opposite of the point. Forced rest is hard. I am 99% sure this is the first day this week that I have not cried. It’s already mid-afternoon, so I’m calling this a win. I have cried so...

Where I Am Right Now: October 2019

I’m an East Coast girl, but I have “Save Me, San Francisco” by Train on repeat, and that’s the kind of month it’s been, friends. At least, I think it’s been like this all month. Holy wow, what day is it? Big News First The Book is...

Being Happy is Not Shallow, and Here’s Why

Ready for an enlightening conversation? Try asking people for their personal definition of “happiness.” It seems straightforward, right? But keep track of the number of times you hear, “I’d rather be ____________ than happy.” And, more...

Dear Kindred Spirit

Monthly book recommendations, author updates, short stories, sneak peeks, and more. Plus, download the prologue of my book!

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