Review: Pieces Like Pottery by Dan Buri

4/5 stars for lyrical writing and a heartfelt analysis of humanity I met Dan on Twitter around this time last year, and it was a true joy to experience his book. In the midst of its mystery and tragedy, there is something overwhelmingly peaceful about this collection...

WOD: My Favorite Qualifying Pieces

As it turns out, old habits really do die hard. I ran a dance blog for five years before moving over here, but I can’t seem to stop talking about the world-builder that is ballet, contemporary, modern, tap, jazz, hip-hop and a thousand other words we use to...

On Raising Houses

I spent a lot of this week researching the power behind “strength phrases.” These brief reminders to ourselves, if used consistently, can become our most powerful weapons against fear, doubt, shame and even depression. With potential like that, I wanted to...

What Ballet Class Taught Me About Life and People

It was late summer 2011, and I had just moved across the country for not the first, not the second, but the third time. After barely surviving my first couple of weeks of sixth grade, I was looking forward to reconnecting with my old dance teacher for some much-needed...

Where I Am Right Now: June 2018

Have you seen When Calls the Heart? Because if not, you should fix that immediately. For your own happiness. I haven’t blown through a TV show this fast since Gilmore Girls. June says “blue” to me in the same way that Wisconsin says “red”...

Dear Kindred Spirit

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