Take Off Your Jacket: Power vs. Force

I heard a beautiful allegory last week. It goes like this (the way I heard it). Long ago, the wind, resentful of the sun and his many loyal worshippers, challenged that fiery entity to a duel. “I am more powerful than you,” the wind claimed, “and I...

The Sacred is Here: A Tribute to My Mom

My mom passed away on Sunday evening. I’ve written those words down a dozen times now, and they still don’t feel… I don’t know. They feel real, but they don’t feel real. She’s still my first pinned contact. Still the first person I want to turn to and share a laugh. I...

Acceptance, Relief and Being Wrong

This piece was originally sent as my monthly newsletter for November 2022. Hello friends, Wow. This blank page has never looked more intimidating. I wish I had a “pretty” excuse for four months of radio silence, but the reality is that I have been grieving. This is...

The Rest of the Story: Grief Edition

The tone of this blog has shifted since July. In all my musings, my ramblings, these writings from my heart—I have done nothing but strengthen the foundations of home. Not the kind with four walls and a roof, but the home I’ve raised within myself. The one that...

Dear Kindred Spirit

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