The Power of Your Thoughts

Our thoughts shape ourselves –> our relationships –> our work –> our lives. Put simply, this is how negativity leads to despair. The good news is: this is also how positivity leads to a rich life. It took me nearly 18 years to understand...

Copywriting for the Living

It’s Content Consumption month at Praxis, so after reading Bryan Franklin and Michael Ellsberg’s book, The Last Safe Investment, I set my sights on a podcast about one of my skills of interest, marketing. The Praxis curriculum lead me to discover...

You are the Last Safe Investment

Graduate from high school. Go to college. Buy a car. Get a job. Get married. Buy a house. Adopt a dog/cat. Get a promotion. Have some kids. Get another promotion. Get wealthy. Retire. Be happy (finally). If this system seems broken, it’s because it is. You...

Where I Am Right Now: January 2018

Happy New Year, friends! My brain has been in 2018 since last September, so, in some ways, I met January 1st like an old friend. I hope that your goals for this new chapter are big, bright and beautiful and that you’re already seeing your dreams come true. I...

What Anime is Teaching Me About Storytelling

Last week, I talked a bit about anime and me, so you know that I’m not the world’s leading expert in Japanese animation. Sword Art Online, in particular, taught me a lot about the seemingly endless power of storytelling, though, so today, I want to share some of those...

Dear Kindred Spirit

Monthly book recommendations, author updates, short stories, sneak peeks, and more. Plus, download the prologue of my book!

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