Six Quotes to Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Kindness is magic. Unfortunately, acting cold is usually easier than being kind. It’s easy to lose confidence in the people around us with facts like that, so today, I want to share six quotes that always manage to restore my faith in humanity. “I think I...

Winter Will Be: A Short Story

I hated running, which is the only reason I stood there while he blew up. “Don’t give me that look, Samantha,” he said. I barely heard him and didn’t change my expression. He was just lucky I hadn’t found my voice yet. I was up to my knees in ocean by then, thinking...

My Top 5 Favorite Christmas Movies

Yesterday’s top five favorite Christmas songs were so fun to post about that I’ve decided to countdown my favorite Christmas movies, too! Here are the five movies that I refuse to skip every year: 5. The Santa Clause I usually end up watching this movie...

My Top 5 Favorite Christmas Songs

Christmas is said to be the most wonderful time of the year, and I agree. Who doesn’t love sparkly lights, and hot cocoa and cheesy movies that get cheesier every year? One of my favorite things about Christmastime is the music. Holiday songs are so joyful and...

Inspiration and Excellence

My first short story, written when I was seven years old, was inspired by my love for horses and Free Willy. The story was a school assignment, but the characters, setting and plot were all my own. The words flowed from the tip of my pencil like water. Writing was...

Dear Kindred Spirit

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