This is September

Lo! a ripe sheaf of many golden days Gleaned by the year in autumn’s harvest ways With here and there, blood-tinted as an ember, Some crimson poppy of a late delight Atoning in its splendor for the flight Of summer blooms and joys— This is September. – L....

Rest & Play

August 5th marked one month since I moved to Pennsylvania from Colorado. I have fallen into a new routine, one designed to heal my fatigued adrenals and bring my body back into alignment. One that invites play. My day ends at 8pm, when I crawl into bed and try to...

Home, Period

It took me the entire month of June to write this post, and by the final word, I hated it. Hated its rawness, its messiness, its uncertainty. I wanted to have all the answers and, admittedly, did not. But by the time I realized it, I had been staring at my own BS for...

Where I Am Right Now: May 2022

I had a very lengthy, rather weighty post typed up for this month, but after careful consideration, I decided not to publish it. I want to, of course. There are many hours behind it, as well as a not-insignificant chunk of my life experience. But I digress. We will do...

Dear Kindred Spirit

Monthly book recommendations, author updates, short stories, sneak peeks, and more. Plus, download the prologue of my book!

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