My Year at Hogwarts

Between school and dance classes, it took me the better part of a year to read all of Harry Potter. Over the course of that year, Harry and his friends taught me countless lessons about identity, family, determination, knowledge, beauty, love and friendship....

Worldbuilding from the West

So, “worldbuilding.” What the heck is that? When I first read this word several months ago, I immediately thought of–you guessed it–Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling accomplished the unthinkable; she made the entire world want to pack up their trunks...

Aquinnah’s Travel Guide

One of my absolute favorite things about reading is that it gives us the ability to travel whenever and wherever we desire. I believe that traveling is one of the great gifts that comes with being alive, but I don’t always have time to pick up my life and ship...

Why I Wouldn’t Stay

I usually begin this story with the trees. Colorado trees are very thin, you can see for miles, yadda yadda yadda. But not today. Today, I want to start with the lava. When we were very young, my brother and I pretended that our backyard swing set was surrounded by...

Dear Kindred Spirit

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