Over the course of my life, I have lived in 13 different houses. Each of those moves comes with its own story, beginning with the first time my family visited each home. Through years of showings and open houses (both as a shopper and a seller), I’ve learned a few things about house hunting etiquette that I’ve been wanting to compile in a blog post. So, without further ado, here are some tips on how to (politely) shop for a house that is currently occupied.

Take Off Your Shoes

It’s one thing to walk into a friend’s house to drop off a loaf of banana bread (aaaaand, now I want banana bread) and chat in the doorway for 20 minutes without taking off your shoes. It’s another thing entirely to march into a stranger’s bedroom with your adventure-caked Chacos still plastered onto your feet. Remember: the owners want their home to sell. They’ve likely vacuumed/mopped/ripped up the floors and started over for you. Keep your carpet-matting to a minimum. The homeowners will send you telepathic hugs. Seriously.

Touch the House, Not the Stuff

It’s expected that you, as a home-buyer, will open doors. It’s expected that you, as a home-buyer, will pull back shower curtains. It’s expected that you, as a home-buyer, will flick light switches to see what they do. But it’s also expected that you, as a home-buyer, will respect the homeowner’s privacy. Intuitive, right? But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve returned home after a showing to find my desk rearranged. And as awesome as my Wreck-It Ralph action figure is, I always feel strangely freaked when he moves. Toys don’t usually do that on their own.

Refrain from opening drawers, pulling things off shelves and moving things around. It’s creepy, friends. Creepy. *smiles*

Stay Away from the Furniture

I once reentered my house after a showing to find that someone had plunked down on my bed. I repeat: A stranger had walked into my house and sat. on. my. bed. Friends, there are few things more violating than imagining a stranger sitting on your Ikea comforter. Be a kind human–stay away from the furniture.

Be Cognizant of the Time

Finally, don’t forget that the homeowners left their house for an hour specifically so that you could look around without feeling awkward. That’s a really nice thing to do. In return, don’t be the people that I once found still sitting on my couch (see the last point) 15 minutes after their showing had officially ended. And don’t be me, who, right before that, spilled coffee all over my garage floor.

We’re all human. We all make mistakes. But with these tips in mind, you can be a (polite) house hunting pro in no time. Best of luck to you!

Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

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