Brownie points if you guessed today’s fictional character from my string of emojis on Instagram. I totally forgot to include a bumblebee, so I’m making up for that now.

At this point, you all know how much I respect Jojo Moyes’s quirky protagonist, Louisa Clark. This gem of a woman taught me to love boldly, and though Me Before You didn’t end as I had hoped, Lou’s story truly promotes life. It’s funny, and romantic, and heartbreaking…. It’s something good.

I feel that there aren’t words to adequately express the life lessons that I relearn from Lou every day, but here goes my best shot.

“Push yourself. Don’t settle. Just live well. Just LIVE.” – Me Before You

One of the things I love about MBY is Lou’s transformation from a sheltered hometown girl to a world-traveling, adventure-seeking fighter. By the time she reads these words, she’s already well on her way to becoming stronger and more daring than she’s ever been. Her story constantly reminds me that being happy–living well–is a choice that we must all make for ourselves.

“You can only actually help someone who wants to be helped.” – Me Before You

This is one of the hardest truths that Lou and I have ever come to know. As much as I want everyone to live a happy and fulfilling life, forcing my ideas of joy and peace into the path of another isn’t helpful. It’s hurtful. We all have different hopes, dreams and ideals, and giving each other space to explore and discover individually is so important. Until I’m asked for help, I like to practice empathy and give hugs. Hugs are so powerful.

“I hadn’t realized that music could unlock things in you, could transport you to somewhere even the composer hadn’t predicted. It left an imprint in the air around you, as if you carried its remnants with you when you went.” – Me Before You

These lines come from one of the most powerful scenes in all of MBY. I had never tried to express the way music makes me feel, but as I read Lou’s thoughts on the symphony, I could practically hear each note as it entered her ears. This moment taught me to fully respect and appreciate the beautiful things that had begun to feel rather commonplace in my daily life. The music, and the dance, and the magic of speaking without words– it was all renewed in my heart in an instant. I never want to forget how special these gifts are in a world of forced silence and suffering.

“I worked out what would make me happy, and I worked out what I wanted to do, and I trained myself to do the job that would make those two things happen.” – Me Before You

This line gets me every. time. Because I was just as confused as Lou when Will says these words. He started with happiness? He didn’t surrender to “real life” and hope for happiness? I–was–floored. But I shouldn’t have been so surprised. The secret of life lies in this quote; figure out what you want, and expect to get it. Because you’re worthy.

“You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.” – Me Before You

Don’t let my interpretation of this line get in the way of yours. Happy Friday, friends. Live it up. xx

Photo by Savs on Unsplash

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