With all the writing I’ve been doing recently, I’ve discovered that just behind every roadblock and burnout, there is a source of inspiration just waiting to push past the opposition. Last week, I told you a bit about how mood boards provide me with a clearer vision for my characters. This week, I want to talk about one of my other sources of inspiration: music.

It’s no secret that music is a huge part of my day-to-day life. As a dancer of 14 years, it’s practically inescapable, and since I started playing the piano over a year ago, it’s truer than ever. Music has an uncanny ability to move people– even fictional ones.

When I feel stuck, staring at a blank page, I will almost certainly connect my phone to my handy Bluetooth speaker and amp up the volume on my “Power Anthems” playlist. Pretty soon, I’m defying gravity with Kerry Ellis while jamming to “Let It Go” with Idina Menzel and preparing for one of my many favorite Bon Jovi songs to play. How can you go wrong with a system like that?

I’m often asked how I consistently overcome writer’s block. My best piece of advice is this: Just keep writing. As Anne Tyler once said, “If I waited till I felt like writing, I’d never write at all.” But if you–understandably–find that answer slightly lackluster… “oh, well. Whatever. Never mind.” I’m here today to share with you my “Power Anthems” playlist. These are 22 of my go-to songs (including Taylor Swift’s “22”) for when I’m feeling down and out. Enjoy, and feel free to comment your favorite power anthems! I’m always looking for new ones.

Dear Kindred Spirit

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