in a vast expanse of sea
and a wide expanse of sky
all the people that surround me
saying, “look, open your eyes”
there are wonders all around you
all you have to do is see
try to look beyond yourself
and see a part of me
take a deep breath, let it go
cling to hope, and soon, you’ll know
that the wide expanse of sea
and the vast expanse of sky
all the people that surround you

I didn’t know how to start this post, so I decided to just start typing. It’s really incredible how often that works. Our subconscious minds do wondrous things if only we stop fighting them. As you can see, mine speaks in poems. I think I’m calling this one, “Gifts from on High”.

There is so much to be grateful for as February begins (already– yeesh). Today, I start my brand new job as a Staff Writer for The Mission. To tell stories that uplift and move people is my lifelong dream, and that’s exactly what I’ll be doing every day. The single line running through my head is “you don’t wanna miss this,” so thanks to Bon Jovi (What else is new?), and I highly recommend checking out The Mission on its various platforms. Learning, marketing, entrepreneurship, tech, business, history, self-improvement– it’s all covered. Expect to smile a lot.

I’m jumping out of my skin about it, but the above is not the news that I’ve been promising on Instagram for the past couple of weeks. So, without further ado, here is the reason that I may be stuck with this overwhelming excitement for the rest of my life:

Ladies and gentlemen,

My debut novel–my love letter to my 12-year-old self and a home for every reader who wishes to enter it–has an editor.

I am beyond thrilled to have Stephanie Diaz joining my little book family. She’s also the author of her own trilogy–The Extraction Series–which, of course, is now on my TBR. Goodness gracious, I love books.

Editing starts this month, and I’m shaking. So many dreams coming true here, friends. I can hardly wait to share more with you.

Lastly, the first draft of Book Three has officially begun! Forgive me as I run out of words, and I wish you all the happiness in the world this month.

Dear Kindred Spirit

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