Who says
It’s all uphill from here
Who says
You have to fear the fall
Who says
You have to have it all

Something I’ve learned this month? Working at a startup means forgetting everything you think you know about being an employee. Teamwork, commitment and working hours look different at every company, but startups all have one thing in common: their employees are fearless. And if they’re not (hi), they fake it till they make it, baby, because stuff has to get done. Projects have to be shipped. Newsletters have to go out, and keywords must be mastered, and new skills need to be picked up constantly. The show must go on, and it takes more than a village. It takes vigilance.

Working at a startup means hanging in the balance. It’s a constant state of the calm before the storm and the calm after the storm. At the top of every mountain lies a ladder to the foot of the next slope. Unfortunately, you don’t magically grow wings (or the ability to function without sleep– bummer). On the upside, you learn very quickly that you don’t need them to fly.

It hasn’t been easy, but between projects at The Mission (Psst… have you listened to The Story?), I’ve been editing my brains out. The Book is coming together in a whirlwind of character development and worldbuilding. Edit 17/26 is almost finished, and I’m having the time of my life. My bookstagram buddy, @kjlibrary, inspired me to create some character mood boards as well, which has been a blast. I’m kinda sorta obsessed with finding pins that remind me of my little world. I kinda absolutely can’t wait to share that world with you. For now, feel free to check out the aforementioned mood board on Pinterest here.

Lastly–and as you all know by now–I set out to improve my video communication skills this month. Through vlogging once per week, I’ve managed to overcome my hatred for speaking to a camera. In fact, I really enjoyed putting those four videos together. The topics probably seemed randomly chosen (maybe because they were), but if you look closely, they all fall into one of my four favorite categories: human nature, reading, writing and the importance of home.

Today’s vlog is a recreation of this post from December. You lovely readers really seemed to resonate with it, so I hope you enjoy this new version! I’ll be vlogging a couple of times during the month of April as well, so hit me up with any topic suggestions!

Dear Kindred Spirit

Monthly book recommendations, author updates, short stories, sneak peeks, and more. Plus, download the prologue of my book!

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