Woman holds a gift for the reader in her life

They’ve read everything. Or seemingly everything. They preorder books a year in advance or some such nonsense! So how on Earth are you supposed to buy gifts for readers?!

Friends, I am so excited about this post. I’ve wanted to write it for years, ever since I started this blog. There are so many glorious small businesses that cater to the bookish community, and each one of them is unique. Set yourself an alarm on Cyber Monday because this is what your book buddy is missing in her/his life.

(As usual, this is not an ad. I’m just so hyped about these shops and their offerings. Let’s go!)

Woodmark from INK AND WONDER

Ink and Wonder logo

Want to be a real superhero? One word: woodmarks. Unlike other bookmarks, these beauties don’t bend/crease/get lost on messy desks (cough). And Ink and Wonder is *the* place to get them. They’re beautiful, sustainable, and are the actual equivalent of plastic pointe shoes (vs. plaster? No? Whatever–they’re sturdy). They have the cutest holiday designs, OR, if you know which of your reader-friends belong to which fandoms, there are pages and pages of precious fictional characters and worlds represented here. Bottom line: WOODMARKS SAVE PAGE CORNERS. SAVE THE PAGE CORNERS.

Starting at $8.99

Artwork from SWEET SEQUELS

Sweet Sequels logo

Not only does Haleigh have the most gorgeous workspace in the history of workspaces, but she also paints *the most* irresistible bookish artwork I’ve ever seen. Her Etsy store is bursting with prints, mugs, stickers, and more… It’s kind of impossible to choose just one item. HOWEVER, if you know your book buddy’s Hogwarts house, this might just be a one-stop-shop. Her Harry Potter-inspired items are my favorite. And her Anne Shirley items. And her Jane Austen items. Okay, ALL THE ITEMS ARE FAVORITES. Alternatively, if you’re shopping for a bookish parent, Sweet Sequels is the place for baby blankets and books, too.

Starting at $10


A Court of Candles logo

When it comes to gifts for readers, you can’t go wrong with candles. Some of my favorites in the world are from this shop. Are your reader-people fans of Leigh Bardugo? Rick Riordan? Suzanne Collins? LOOK NO FURTHER. This mother-daughter duo knows how to cook up a scent that will transport your book buddy to their favorite fictional world. Does she/he love Harry Potter? Of course they do. So hit them up with a candle that smells like Draco. Or unicorn blood, if that’s more your thing. I won’t judge.

Starting at $12.50


Dust and Pages logo

Ah, the pin collection. I don’t know when I decided that having a pin collection was a wise decision, but it happened, and here we are, not laughing about it because we book-lovers take these things seriously. Now. Dust and Pages. Do they ever design some precious trinkets! Inspired by the bookish community at large, these pins would make great stocking stuffers. Or birthday gifts. Or, like, literally any kind of present for any kind of occasion. Some of them SPIN, you guys.

Starting at $9.99

Book Sleeve from BABY MY BOOK

Baby My Book logo

You guys, there are A LOT of places to buy book sleeves, but in my extremely biased opinion, Julie and Brittney make them best. Baby My Book is my go-to shop for paperback protection. Does the reader in your life enjoy on-the-go reading? Do they often cram books into their backpacks/purses/car seats? Then they need a book sleeve. Do they have an e-reader? That needs a book sleeve, too. DO THEY LOVE THEMSELVES? Book. sleeve. They’re cute and convenient and *necessary.* Definitely necessary. Plus, if you like the mugs from Sweet Sequels, you’ll love the mug rugs from this shop. *winks*

Starting at $10


Image result for litjoy crate logo

Again, there are a TON of fantastic places to purchase book subscription boxes, buuuut… I’m a big fan of the LitJoy Crate team. They led me to most of the other shops listed here! It’s the end-all-be-all of gifts for readers. Choose from a book-only subscription or a crate packed with bookish goodies. These are great for the young readers in your life, as well as the young adults! You can’t lose.

Starting at $8

If you’re feeling brave…

Ask for their TBR (that’s “to be read”)! All reading addicts keep a list of must-haves, and there’s a good chance your book buddy is on the lookout for some specific stories! You can hit Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or, better yet, check out one of your local book shops to find the perfect edition. Depending on the book, you may even be able to get it *signed* from Good Choice Reading!

And if you’re still not sure…

Pick a book from this list and straight-up ask him/her if he/she has read it or not. They’re all wonderful. Everyone wins.

Happy shopping! xo

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