The events of 2020 threw a wrench in pretty much everything, and yet, on the bright side, it was a really good year for content consumption and storyteller appreciation. The joys of being stuck at home!

I liked 2020 better than 2019. Really.

I was forced to let go of
unfair expectations
paralyzing fears
fake deadlines
old beliefs

We are so powerful. We are light.

Y’all know my theme for this year is TRUST, so I won’t spend a thousand words breaking it down. Instead, I’ll leave you with a quote and jump right into my top favorite books, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and songs of 2020.

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Merry Christmas, friends. From my heart to yours.

My Favorite Books of 2020

1. The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery

The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery

Maud, of course, remains my favorite classic storyteller of all time. I hardly have the words for this one, maybe because I keep deleting them and starting over (or because I love this story so darn much). The Blue Castle is about taking back one’s power. It’s about our capacity, both individually and collectively, to love. It’s about family and honesty and authenticity. So, come—shed what is no longer serving you. Even if it’s an old jar of potpourri.

2. The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune

The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune

Caseworker Linus Baker has always done the right thing. The thing he’s supposed to do. But rules and regulations kind of go out the window when you’re faced with a gnome, a forest sprite, a wyvern, a green jelly-like creature, a were-Pomeranian, and the six-year-old Antichrist. How Linus is supposed to protect the children of Marsyas Island Orphanage is a question for which his handbook is underprepared. But with a little (a lot) of help from the orphanage caretaker, Linus is about to find the color his life has always lacked and the family he doesn’t know he needs. This book rocked my world and soothed my heart. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

3. Little Women by L. M. Alcott

Little Women by L. M. Alcott

Another classic story from a much-beloved storyteller. Oh, how many, many directions I could take this recommendation! Suffice it to say that Little Women is dearer at the age of 20 than it is at 14, that Laurie and Amy had it coming, and that Jo March is my spirit character (Is that a thing? Let’s make it a thing). And take this quote, too: “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”

4. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

What a storyteller we had in Harper Lee! I had half a mind not to read this book, for fear it wouldn’t live up to over a decade of traitorously high expectations. But there it was, on my bookshelf—all dingy and glorious and used by, perhaps, a hundred middle schoolers before me—and I just had to chance it. You’ve read it. You know the rest.

5. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

There is no telling what love I have found in this book. No, really. Dorian Gray is totally off the rails, many of the supporting characters wind up dead, and a story about beauty and youth swiftly becomes a story of vanity and deception. But every time Dorian compares the face in the mirror to the face in the picture, I feel his hurt, his fear, his utter dismay. The power of the written word is so exquisitely clear in these pages. I will have to read it again.

My Favorite Movies of 2020

1. Little Women

Little Women (2019) movie poster

If you know, you know. (And if you don’t, read this. It’s no fun to be left out.)

2. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society movie poster

Where has this movie been all my life?! (Answer: Netflix since 2018.) I saw it for the first time this month and can’t believe it took me so long. Besides instantly adorable characters and the WWII historical fiction of my dreams, it boasts some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing onscreen. Bonus points for 25% of the main cast sliding in from Downton Abbey.

3. Jojo Rabbit

Jojo Rabbit movie poster

*fairy dust* We are pretending I’m not predictable! *fairy dust* But really, I loved this one (minus the parts that made me cry). At once heartbreaking and heartwarming, I plan to return to Jojo Rabbit when we bid farewell to the Christmas movie season.

4. My Big Fat Greek Wedding

My Big Fat Greek Wedding movie poster

Okay, I give up. I will never be as up-to-date on movies as I am on books. We’ll just have to take a walk down memory lane instead. But it’s for a good cause!? My Big Fat Greek Wedding is exactly what I needed in my quarantine life. It’s hilarious and happy and not one person has to wear a mask to the reception. Ah, good times.

5. Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians movie poster

Picture this: It’s March of this year. I just flew a thousand miles to Santa Barbara to visit a dear friend. I’m scrolling through headlines, wondering if I’m going to get quarantined at the airport, unable to return home. And then, in true kindred spirit fashion, my friend looks over and says, “Have you seen Crazy Rich Asians?” Fast forward a few days, and I was back at DIA, wondering how soon was too soon to replace the DF ice cream I left behind and watch it again.

My Favorite TV Shows of 2020

1. The Office

The Office Season One cover

All I can say is that I tried to watch the first episode twice with zero luck, but… third time’s the charm? I had to make sure Jim and Pam ended up together, and then I had to watch another six seasons to make sure they stayed together. I make no apologies. It takes many a great storyteller to create a show this loveable.

2. Derry Girls

Derry Girls Season One cover

This show took me completely by surprise and is solely responsible for about 60% of the laughing I’ve done in 2020. I loved it so much that I rewatched both seasons in one night while in Santa Barbara. Also, BONUS: If you love The Great British Baking Show: Holidays as much as I do, don’t miss the Derry Girls cast in the tent.

3. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 1 cover

It’s safe to say that most of my best TV-watching of the year happened in SAB. This one didn’t strike me as being my style until Midge said, “Fitting into this dress required no solid food for three straight weeks,” with a look that reflected the horrors of said weeks. After that, I was sold. God bless Amy Sherman-Palladino, storyteller extraordinaire.

4. The West Wing

The West Wing cover

Now, to be fair, I actually watched most of The West Wing in 2019, but I finished it at the beginning of this year, so I wanted to include it here. While the show was never the same after Rob Lowe left, I appreciated the complexity of the plot through the end. Aaron Sorkin is a master storyteller… but I don’t have to tell you that. His genius remains present throughout the series, despite his leaving after Season 4.

5. Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey Series 1 cover

Honorable mention time! I’m only on Series Five, but Downton Abbey was an instant favorite. I’ve been a little bummed since the *first* tragedy of Series Three, but Violet has a way of hyping you up after a hard day, don’t you think? This show is ruthless, but it’s addictive. Expect an update when I wrap my 2021 content.

My Favorite Podcasts of 2020

1. Office Ladies

Office Ladies cover

I bet you didn’t see this one coming. *wink* I listen to a lot of podcasts each week, but the Office Ladies are always a standout. It’s so fun to hear from Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey about their experiences on the set of The Office, and I love rewatching alongside them. Let’s just… not talk about how their show is leaving Netflix for the new year.

2. The Way I Heard It

The Way I Heard It cover

Mike Rowe is a master storyteller, plain and simple. I always look forward to his episodes, and I’m curious to see where his new longer-form pods take him. If you’re not sure where to start, I highly recommend this episode.

3. Wolf 359

Wolf 359 cover

A favorite for two years running! Audio storytelling at its best and most hysterical, this sci-fi adventure has served as a much-needed break from reality. I love the monologues so much that I choreographed mini dances to them. If you haven’t already, definitely check it out.

4. Mastering the Business of Yoga

Mastering the Business of Yoga cover

Now, I may be a little biased, but I think this is one of the best podcasts out there. *wink* Amanda is a dear friend and one of the coolest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. Her show is pure gold. I’m not a yoga teacher, but I’ve learned so many fundamental business lessons and strategies through listening to M.B.Om. I recommend it to all entrepreneurs!

5. People, Talking People

People, Talking People cover

People, Talking People is hosted by my friend Randalyn and her friend Jennifer. Every week, they pop in to chat about all things human nature, which, as you all know, is up there in my top five favorite topics. I love listening to Randi and Jen discuss boundaries, celebrating wins, setting goals… anything, really. This episode is a favorite.

My Favorite Songs of 2020

Click here to listen to my top ten favorite songs of 2020! The number of times I’ve heard “The American Dream” this year is absolutely outrageous, but if you listen, too, I’ll feel less awkward about it.


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