A woman arranges flowers to symbolize new beginnings

Something I’m really loving about this year is all the new beginnings. New Year’s Day. New moons. Different projects. Freshly fallen snow and purple sunrises. New experiences and connections and joys. Elaborate plans. Another level of healing. New recipes!

And it’s only February!? I feel like I lived lifetimes last month. To think there is magic in every day. To feel it. I want to live a hundred more years.

I used to hate new beginnings. Isn’t that funny?

This began as a little social media post. I had no recent photos to use, so I grabbed one from last August, just after my birthday. It got me thinking about how much has changed since then.

I dedicated most of last year to physical healing, not totally by choice. In fact, I was pretty worked up over it for many months. Through phases of purging and detoxing and releasing, I found it difficult to remain patient and hopeful. But by Thanksgiving, things were looking up, and I finally felt able to recognize myself when I looked in the mirror. Happier. Lighter. More free.

My career path has changed, too. Which is interesting because I never thought anything outside of becoming a published novelist would bring me fulfillment or joy. I clung so desperately to that dream that I think I almost missed what was right in front of me—becoming a virtual assistant for yoga teachers.

Somehow, in venturing along this new and exciting path, I have released much of the resistance that kept me from marching ahead with querying my manuscript. I still have some work to do, but I actually feel closer to that dream now, not further away. For the first time in my life, I feel a sense of abundance and peace with my work, and it has me waking up with a smile.

I now live for the new beginnings. The things that push me just over the edge of what I know and make me feel alive.

For years, I’ve been planning to take an in-person yoga class. (Is it not slightly odd to be working with yoga studios, having never experienced one?) On Sunday, I’m finally doing it. I can’t wait. I’m so nervous, and I can’t wait.

And there are other new things on the horizon—I can feel them. The impression of them, the space I’m holding for them. Isn’t it lovely? When you create your own reality, you can rest in the knowledge that life is happening for you, not to you.

It’s been over a year since I’ve done one of these updates, and I’m not sure how relevant it is, but my current reads are Energy Healing for Animals by Joan Ranquet and Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim. Interestingly, I am learning more about myself than I am about my dog.

My love goes with this post. I hope 2022 is delivering wave after wave of joy to you. It is our birthright, the most natural thing in the cosmos. All that you seek is seeking you, too.

When in doubt, ask your soul, “How do you feel about this?” Your answer, though not what you might expect, is guaranteed.

Dear Kindred Spirit

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