It’s been a year since I’ve written one of these.

I’m still making my way through The West Wing and When Calls the Heart, and it’s still raining nearly every afternoon. And that’s about all that hasn’t changed.

I’m a totally different person than I was last summer. I have new interests and goals and beliefs. I have a new morning routine that includes eating breakfast before noon and hitting the yoga mat before work. I stopped limiting myself to short-term writing projects for clients and have taken on quick research jobs, coaching calls, and even the editing of a novella. Sometimes, I use the Oxford comma. Because I’m trying to be flexible. I’m learning that be here now isn’t about stalling. It’s about enjoying, growing. It’s a process.

I like this version of me.

This version of me likes this song, and this song, and this song. At the same time.

This version of me lets plot holes sit overnight so I can think about them.

This version of me says no to things and places and processes that are no longer serving me.

And this version of me trusts myself–most of the time. I’m still working on trust.

My little book has grown up, too, daily becoming the story I always imagined it would be. With the invaluable input of my superhuman editor, I finished a round of revisions and am now proofreading before sending it back for round two. Oh, what a year of uninterrupted writing time can achieve!

As for my bookshelf, my heart has been craving historical fiction above all else, so I’ve learned a lot and cried a lot and had a lot of book hangovers. I recently started Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman and am enjoying it so far. Have I mentioned how much I love WWII stories? Yes? Good.

On the calendar for the rest of the year:

  • Have courage + be kind (Thanks, Ella.)
  • Finish round two of edits
  • Get happier all the time
  • Yoga
  • Improv dance
  • Help others achieve their writing dreams
  • Make my reading goal (24 books!?)

If there’s something you’d like to collaborate on, let me know here. And if you’d like to receive regular updates on my writing and life-living, you can sign up for my monthly newsletter, Dear Kindred Spirit, here.

All the love and light.

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

Dear Kindred Spirit

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