A beautiful tree symbolizes a strong support system

It has been five months since I’ve done one of these. Wild.

But in a way, it feels like nothing much has changed.

I guess that’s what happens on pandemic time.

Back in May, I told you that I’m an Enneagram Type 2. This turned out to be false. After some online tests and a bit more research, I am, decidedly, a 1. This is probably not important, but I wanted to set it straight.

And maybe it is important. Maybe it has something to do with the way in which I’ve viewed this year. Who knows? I try not to put too much stock in personality tests, but this one feels pretty accurate. (For the record, I still prefer the MBTI. And the blanket statement that I’m a Hufflepuff, of course. *wink*)

That aside.

Here we are, in the unbalance that is 2020, and nothing changes, and everything changes, and we keep going. This month, I’ve spent a lot of time consciously choosing two things:

  1. slow, deep breaths
  2. and trust.

And, if that doesn’t work, I choose to support myself with a nap. It might seem counterproductive, but there’s no better way to reset one’s energy—in my experience anyway.

October highlights include photogenic sunsets, a trip to the dance studio, fall foliage, old friends, and the best pumpkin bar I’ve ever had. A heart-happy list. I hope you’ve made one, too.

Between bouts of adventure and rest, I also finished the current draft of my manuscript, and I’m all happy tears about it. I was able to cut thousands upon thousands of words and polish up the others. It took nine months longer than I planned and more trust than I knew I possessed, but it’s done. It’s done, and it’s everything I hoped it would be at this point in the process.

So, I guess it’s finally time to tell you.

After several years of creating a self-publishing plan, I’ve decided to scrap the whole thing and try my hand at querying.

Not because I didn’t like my plan. Not because this will be easier (ha).

But because, not long ago, a little voice said, “We can do this!” and my bones said, “So be it.”

If patience, grace, and excitement have carried you this far on my novelist journey, thank you. Your support means everything to me.

I can’t wait to get this book into your hands.

I hope it speaks to you as it has spoken to me.

And in the meantime, I’m recharging. I’m currently reading Autobiography of a Yogi and Persuasion, neither of which are light and both of which I need. I even joined a book club, where we’re discussing Women Who Run With the Wolves. My first meeting is on Tuesday. I’m ecstatic.

With the holiday season on the horizon, I hope you know how valued you are. As the nights get longer and the air gets colder, I hope you feel the support of your loved ones. And if you don’t, read this.

You are powerful.

Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, you are free.

Be well. xx

Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash

Dear Kindred Spirit

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