After taking a sick day on Friday (without much choice, I might add), I’m back with another World of Dance-inspired post. This season’s duels have officially come to an end, and the results were staggering. I had to say goodbye to some of my favorite qualifiers, but I picked up some new favorites along the way, and I’m super excited to share my thoughts on these epic performances with you today. Let’s jump in!

Charity & Andres

What I Loved

  • Um… all of it. Yeah. The whole thing.
  • Costumes. Lighting. Song. Intensity. How can I put into words what a masterpiece this is?
  • Watch Charity pull herself up from a middle split at 0:06.
  • This dance is such an interesting contrast to their qualifying piece, which was cute and romantic. This piece gets up in your face like “Hi. We lied.” The DRAMA. The duels bring out something so different in everyone.
  • Another shoutout for Charity’s grand allegro is in order. I’d give you a timestamp, but it’s written all over the video.
  • SORCERY AT 0:50.
  • That last moment of eye contact. Who else heard Jennifer scream?

In the Future

  • This dance got the first ever perfect score, people. How do you beat perfection? You raise the bar.

Jaxon Willard

What I Loved

  • One moment, Jaxon is walking, and the next moment, BAM. Flying like that’s what he was made to do. It’s a true honor to watch him perform.
  • That SMILE at 0:42. It’s as if he forgot all about the duels and was completely transported into the story behind his dance.
  • Goodness gracious, this boy knows how to end a performance. Was there a dry eye in the room when he hugged his mom? I think not.
  • Another shoutout for his facial expressions because wow. Just… wow.

In the Future

  • I can’t wait to see Jaxon perform in The Cut this week. That is all.

Ashley & Zack

What I Loved

  • The second this dance ended, I wanted to watch it again. And I did. Three times and nearly every day since.
  • Song choice. Win.
  • This dance starts before it even starts. That’s one of my favorite things. It shows that Ashley and Zack threw their whole selves into this piece from conception to performance.
  • The raw strength depicted here is ridiculous. Inhuman. Stunningly beautiful.
  • It’s too short. And that’s the ultimate mark of a great performance.

In the Future

  • Okay, but I actually want their future pieces to be longer.

Jonas & Ruby

What I Loved

  • Ruby’s costume changes are genius-level and brought something especially unique to this duel. All the heart eyes.
  • This piece is simultaneously fierce, like their qualifying piece, and floaty… like angels, I guess.
  • How incredible is their footwork?!
  • The stylistic choices are spot on. Music and movement are seamless in this piece.

In the Future

  •  Jonas and Ruby surprised the judges in this round, and that’s always a good sign. More of that.

Josh & Taylor

What I Loved

  • Josh and Taylor are master storytellers. As Jennifer points out, it’s almost as if they’re speaking to each other throughout the performance. Forget the duels; this dance is it’s own battle.
  • The varying dynamics. Sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp smooth. Dances like this keep the audience guessing, and that’s a rare and wonderful thing.
  • Cue sobbing at 0:39.
  • The END. What was that?! UGH.

In the Future

  • I can’t get enough of storytelling through movement. Keep it coming, friends.

Victoria Caban

What I Loved

  • The COLOR. From the costume to the lighting, this piece expertly demonstrates Victoria’s bold personality and undeniable command of the stage. Her presence in this year’s duels was a joy.
  • Everybody give it up for the song choice.
  • Her facial expressions. Victoria is clearly passionate about what she does, feeling every subtlety in her song.
  • The FAN. I’m a sucker for fans.

In the Future

  • More color. More sass. More props. More happiness! Have I mentioned how much I love this costume?

Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash

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