Now, I know what you’re thinking: Aquinnah. Hunny. If you wanted to continue writing about dance, then why did you close your designated dance blog?!

That is an excellent question, my friend. And the answer is right here if you’d like to better understand my relationship with art. Or, if you’d rather just get to the dancing, we can do that, too.

World of Dance was back at it last week with the final round of The Cut. I thought I was prepared to lose some of my favorites (peep them here and here), but… I wasn’t. I’ve always been a fairly competitive person, but when it comes to this show, I wish everyone could win. That said, here are my favorite pieces as we head into the Divisional Finals.

Charity & Andres

What I Loved

  • You’re going to hear this more than once in this post but just look at the LIGHTING. That lighthouse is *squeals* *claps* *cries*. People, I am in love with this stage. The Cut certainly brought out the best in this show as a whole.
  • This video hits 0:15, and I’m already speechless. Charity and Andres always manage to make their lifts–lifts that I have never even seen before–look effortless. What a gift.
  • At this point, we all know that this pair is superhuman, but in case anyone needs confirmation, check 0:50.
  • Their faces. Their FACES. I learned a long time ago that in a room full of dancers, it’s easy to pick out those who truly love their art by the way their faces react when they perform. Charity and Andres glow with passion every time they step onstage. This is art in motion.
  • Quick shoutout to Jennifer for one of my new favorite quotes: “Never let your head get in the way–not when it comes to doing what you love.”

Sean & Kaycee

What I Loved

  • Let’s just take a moment for the lighting. This stage radiates magic.
  • Sean and Kaycee’s chemistry is so strong, I can feel it through my screen. Many choreographers call this “breaking the fourth wall,” but this piece demonstrates a whole new level of power. They’ve somehow managed to break a fifth wall that I didn’t even know existed until I saw this beauty unfold.
  • No one gets on top of their music like this pair. They never miss a beat, a moment, a distinct point of eye contact. Their movements are sharp and graceful and to manage that at the same time is just–*brain explosion*. They move, and hearts have to move with them.
  • The end. The end is everything I love about humanity and art. They made The Cut look like fun, rather than something to stress about until it was finally over.

Jaxon Willard

What I Loved

  • Jaxon comes. Jaxon slays. We know this.
  • This piece is fierce. It’s big, and it’s bold, and it’s powerful. Jaxon continues to become more and more confident in his abilities as an artist, and that is the most beautiful thing in the world.
  • What even happens at 0:15?!
  • The most incredible thing about this dance is that while performing in front of the whole world, Jaxon managed to fight–and win–an inner battle. There’s a rawness about this piece that makes it impossible to ignore.

The Rock Company

What I Loved

  • That breath at the beginning. What a way to start.
  • The Rock Company is angelic. They flow as one, and I can’t stress enough how difficult that is in a group this size.
  • Their technique gives them an edge in this competition, but it’s their storytelling that pushed them to the top of The Cut.
  • The way these dancers move their heads and necks alone speaks volumes. You don’t always have to talk to be heard, and this piece is proof of that.

Fabulous Sisters

What I Loved

  • This dance is ferocious. I could end my comments there.
  • But I love their costumes too much.
  • And that throne is majestic.
  • The Fabulous Sisters are so in sync, it’s scary. I love, love, love this.
  • OMG, I just can’t get over the storytelling! SLAY, GEMS, SLAY.

Michael Dameski

What I Loved

  • This dance opened up a new facet of Michael’s abilities as a storyteller. It was a beautiful thing to watch.
  • The strength and flexibility required to move like this is not an overnight transformation. This piece is years of training and passion and faith, and there was no better place to bring all that than The Cut.
  • The end is perfect. Enough said.

Ashley & Zack

What I Loved

  • Zack’s use of the sweatshirt is super inventive. I appreciate when costumes become more than fancy clothing.
  • This pair brings something so fresh to contemporary dance. Their lifts and tricks make me think more than, Oh, that was cool. Their dances challenge me. ART.
  • I cried my eyes out when this was over.
  • Another great quote by Jennifer: “That, to me, was kinda like how art imitates life–it’s not perfect. And in that sense, it was perfect.”

Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash

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